Utrecht Artists' Oil Colors: Permanent Alizarin Crimson

We found 12 single-pigmented oil paints made with pigment PR177.

Prices: $5.00 - $46.00

Sizes: 20ml - 40ml

Each paint is listed alphabetically by brand. The prices are approximate due to fluctuations and various sources. When the brand/color is made in more than one size, the smaller size is listed here.

Brand Color Size Price
Holbein Artists' Oil Colors Anthraquinone Red 20ml $11.53
Holbein Artists' Oil Colors Crimson Lake 20ml $6.27
Holbein Artists' Oil Colors Transparent Red 20ml $8.09
M. Graham Artists' Oil Colors Anthraquinone Red 37ml $12.95
Maimeri Puro Oil Colors Permanent Carmine Alizarin 40ml $27.16
Michael Harding Artists Oil Colours Alizarin Claret 40ml $21.38
Old Holland Classic Oil Colors Burgundy Wine Red 40ml $46.49
Richeson Shiva Oils Permanent Alizarin 37ml $11.39
Sennelier Rive Gauche Oil Colors Carmine Red 40ml $4.50
Utrecht Artists' Oil Colors Permanent Alizarin Crimson 37ml $14.87
Williamsburg Handmade Oil Paints Permanent Crimson 37ml $29.39
Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Colors Permanent Alizarin Crimson Hue 37ml $22.08